Principals Golden and Lapp Speak On Bias in Planning Processes at the Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit


Principals Amanda Golden and Josh Lapp participated in a discussion at the National Leadership Summit on Creative Placemaking on bias in planning processes with artist Charvis Harrell of Macon, Georgia. Golden and Lapp discussed the Akron Cultural Planning Process and how authentic listening lead to scope change and ultimately a plan full of recommendations that the broader community was ready to implement upon completion. The original intention of the plan was to understand arts and cultural resources available in the community and determine what barriers existed to participating in arts and cultural activities. As the planning team began the process, what was intended to be a straightforward study on access and a vision for enhancing cultural assets quickly became a conversation on equity and representation. The community spelled out these priorities: Equity, Access, Education, Talent, Engagement, Resources, Connections, Placemaking, Economic Impact and Public Art.

Topics Covered: Access and support for rural and under-resourced communities, Addressing systemic or personal racism, Equitable procurement practices for artists and arts organizations, Funding/Financial Sustainability of Creative Placemaking Initiatives, Helping communities recover economically.

In 2018, the GAR Foundation and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation funded the Akron Cultural Plan as a follow-up to the cultural landscape study comp...


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