Designing Local To Join Curatorial Team for One World Mural Festival


Designing Local is delighted to announce they are joining the curatorial team for the One World Festival of Arts and Imagination. Artists will participate in the Vermont Mural Project, which will yield a statewide collection of murals that have been co-created with community teams. Through a creatively facilitated dialogue, participants — young and old, from all walks of life — will identify the ways they want their community to be more just and equitable. The dialogue process will result in action steps for communities to achieve their vision and guide participants to represent their values and vision in the murals.

Each community’s dialogue will be captured through an ethnographic process, led by the Vermont Folklife Center, and edited into statements that reflect the community’s vision for a better future. Individual community statements will be synthesized into a collective statement for Vermont. The murals will be created on a substrate that can be transported to Montpelier and temporarily displayed at ONE WORLD before returning to their community for installation.

This festival is being hosted and facilitated by the Community Engagement Lab.

Interested in Applying? Click here to review the RFQ.


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