Sandusky Public Art & Placemaking Plan

Sandusky, Ohio

The City of Sandusky is a hidden gem that is seeing significant new investment and cutting-edge planning. Sensing an opportunity to increase attachment to place and draw new tourists, city leaders passed a public art ordinance in January 2018 that guarantees funding for public art through a 1% allocation of their general fund. To ensure they invested the newly earmarked public art dollars responsibly, the city set out to develop a Public Art and Placemaking Plan. The plan directs spending to high-priority projects and creates the infrastructure necessary to administer a robust public art program.

Designing Local organized a public art popsicle pop-up to kick off the planning process, at which participants were asked their vision for public art in the city and to think about potential transformative projects. The team hosted several additional meetings to co-create ideas for the City’s first projects. In addition to developing placemaking strategies, the team trained Sandusky’s newly formed Public Art and Cultural Commission on procurement processes for public art, collection management and maintenance, and donations.

The Sandusky Public Art and Placemaking Plan inspires elected officials to create public art strategies that are uniquely Sandusky. With an efficient and effective process for public art, the city now has the tools to ensure a successful program well into the future.


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